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Somatic Skills with Verite Hunter

Embracing Neurodiversity through Mindful Movement. 

My somatic practice specializes in supporting those with neurodivrse people by I blending mindfulness, movement and breathwork exercises tailored to your unique needs.


Whether you struggle with coordination, emotional regulation, sensory sensitivities, or feel disconnected from your body, I provide a judgment-free space to explore movement that feels good.


My goal is to help you better understand your body and nervous system so you can find calm, confidence, and connect to your super power. 

My work covers : 

  • Self-regulation tools to manage stress, transitions, and overwhelm

  • Focus and memory enhancement through mind-body awareness

  • Physical balance, strength, and fine motor control

  • Improved body connectivity and stability

  • Outlets for creative expression and kinetic learning

  • ​

My specialty training in both somatic education and working with the neurodiverse community allows me to design customized sessions to meet your needs. I offer private coaching and group classes, always honouring your individual pace and learning style.


 Let's embrace the wisdom of your beautifully neurodiverse brain and body.

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Lets Move !

Somatic Skill's with Verite Hunter 

I invite you to join me for a unique and transformative experience: a dynamic somatic skills workshop.


I love this practice because it allows me to explore my inner world through movement and embodiment in a safe and supportive environment.


You'll have the opportunity to tap into your creativity and intuition, learn to trust and follow your body's natural impulses.


Each week we explore a different theme from self awareness to sensory overwhelm

Benefits have been shown to be : 


Reduced anxiety and overwhelm

Increased ability to handle transitions

Enhanced focus and executive functioning

Improved emotional regulation and impulse control

Greater body awareness

Outlet for creative expression 

Increased confidence and self-acceptance

Join our community of beautiful brains for access to free videos, emails, and reflections.

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